Friday, May 22, 2009

You can never outrun the flu virus

Prevention is the best medicine.
Get protected now!

The flu virus can strike anytime.

The good news is you can now strike back.

The flu is more common than you think
Influenza, commonly known as the 'flu', is a viral infection of the respiratory tract. Potentially severe, it is cause by several strains of the influenza virus and is easily transmitted through water droplets in the air. Once it infects a person, the virus replicates itself very quickly, making you feel sick in no time.

Flu seasons peak during the winter months in temperate countries. However, tropical countries such as Singapore do not have as well0-defined flu seasons. Although deadly strains of flu like the 'bird flu' or SARS follow a certain cycle of potential major outbreaks, flu in general is present all year round.

The flu is more contagious than you think
When an infected person sneezes, each sneeze travels at speeds of up to 100 km/h. A sneeze can produce about 20,000 tiny water droplets which can remain in the air for as long as 24 hours. Surrounding people unsuspectingly breathe that in and this is how the flu spreads so quickly.

The flu can cause severe symptoms
Although the severity may vary between individuals, generally the common symptoms are:
Those most in danger
These symptoms are often more severe in the elderly or those with chronic illness, sometimes leading to secondary bacterial infections like pneumonia. The flu may also worsen heart, lung and other chronic diseases (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction and diabetes). Severe complications of flu infection may even lead to death in patients with impaired immunity. Deaths caused by the flu in Singapore over the past decade were 14.8 out of every 100,000 persons.

How to tell if you've got the flu
If you've got a fever (usually 39°C – 41°C) and 2-3 other symptoms mentioned above (most commonly muscle aches and cough), you've probably got the flu.

The difference between Flu and the Common Cold
SymptomsFluCommon Cold
Onset of symptomsSuddenGradual
FeverHigh (39°C – 41°C)None or mild (less than 38°C)
HeadachesPresentUsually absent
Muscle achesSevereUsually mild
Fatigue and tirednessSevereUsually mild
Sore throatSometimesCommon
CoughPresentUsually absent
Chest discomfortCommon, sometimes severeMild to moderate
Duration7 – 10 days3 – 4 days


You can prevent the flu
Vaccination is one of the options to prevent flu. Vaccination of the elderly can result in lower incidence of complications and hospitalizations. Death rates due to severe complications in high risk individuals have been shown to be reduced by as much as 68%.

The importance of routine vaccination
The flu virus mutates and changes continuously. Throughout the year, 110 national flu surveillance centres and 4 World Health Organization (WHO) collaboration centres in 82 countries worldwide watch the trends in circulating strains of influenza. The WHO will regularly identify the strains that most resemble those in circulation. Shortly after the WHO releases this report, vaccine manufacturers will start making new vaccines to offer protection against these strains of influenza. This is why routine vaccination is important for optimal and continuous protection against new flu strains.

Who should be vaccinated
Anyone who wishes to reduce the risk of getting the flu can be vaccinated. It becomes even more important to do so if the following applies to you or a family member:
  • All persons, including school-aged children, who want to reduce the risk of becoming ill with influenza
  • All persons aged 50 years and above
  • All children aged 6 months to 4 years
  • Persons with chronic diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
  • Close contact with high risk groups
  • Have low immunity
  • Traveling to high risk areas
  • Resident of a nursing home or chronic care facility
  • A healthcare worker
When it comes to the flu, prevention is the best medicine. If you feel you or anyone in your family would benefit from a flu vaccination, please speak to your doctor today.

Prevention is the best medicine.
A health message brought to you by:
Supported by:
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • The Protectors

You can take preventive measures

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