Personally, I used to think that it is in the very early morning hours to exercise best, jog around, walk about - until I saw in my children's books that it is during noon that the oxygen in the air is at its peak - the ideal situation we are after; it is low during the morning hours or at twilight.
In this light, many who are members of health clubs think also along the same line, that the best place to exercise or work out is in health clubs.
Well, now, read this, and think again.
Joining a health club can make it easier and more fun to exercise. But gyms can also present safety problems. Bacteria in poorly maintained pools can spread disease. Antibiotic-resistant staph infections can be picked up in crowded locker rooms and from heavily used exercise equipment. You can be injured or even suffer an exercise-related heart problem. Here's how to minimize those risks.
Skin infections
Staph infections, including those caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria, can spread through shared gym equipment, mats and towels. Infections tend to occur near a cut or scrape, and on certain body parts (the armpits, buttocks, groin and neck). They start off looking like a large pimple but can swell, become painful and produce pus. If they spread to your bloodstream, they can be life-threatening. Many clear up on their own, but seek medical attention if a fever develops or if the area becomes enlarged, red, tender or warm.
Prevention: Use the alcohol spray or wipes that most gyms provide to wipe off equipment before and after use. Place a clean towel over mats used for doing sit-ups, stretching or yoga. Don't share towels with others. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitizer. Shower after working out. If you have a cut or scrape, keep it covered with a clean adhesive bandage and don't use hot tubs or whirlpools.
Dirty pools
Poorly maintained swimming pools are common, allowing bacteria and viruses to cause outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness. Inspections at 3,666 health clubs in 13 states found serious lapses requiring the immediate closing of 10 percent of the pools, according to a May report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Improperly maintained circulation and filtering systems and skimpy disinfection were among the most common problems.
Strained muscles
Weight-room injuries requiring medical attention have increased by 50 percent since 1990, with the largest increase among people age 45 and older.
Prevention: Warm up with a few minutes of jogging, calisthenics, or light and easy lifts. Use resistance machines or elastic bands rather than free weights. Keep the weight or resistance level light enough that you can do 15 repetitions. Do them slowly, taking about two seconds to lift and four seconds to lower. You should be able to stop the weight at any point in the movement. Don't hold your breath; that can cause fainting or a spike in blood pressure. Exhale during the lifting or pushing phase; inhale when lowering.
Heart attacks
Exercise gradually builds protection against heart disease. But if you're not in good shape, a vigorous workout can temporarily increase the risk of heart attack, especially if you're ill. A 2009 study found that a recent episode of fatigue or flu was associated with an increase in exercise-related cardiac events.
Prevention: Talk with your doctor before starting to work out if you have heart disease or multiple cardiac risk factors, or if you're middle-aged or older and have been sedentary. If you have a cold or the flu or feel fatigued, take a break from exercising or scale back workouts. Make sure your club has at least one automatic external defibrillator, which can save your life if you suffer cardiac arrest. Staff members should be trained in its use and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Consider learning CPR, too, so you can help others during emergencies.
Eye injuries
Americans suffer more than 40,000 eye injuries a year during recreational activities. Racquetball, squash, and tennis are leading causes of sports-related eye injuries among people ages 25 to 65. Nearly all could be prevented if people wore adequate eye protection.
(c) Copyright 2010. Consumers Union of United States Inc.
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Health clubs can be unhealthy
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